Ten Things of Thankful


Well well well. I have been on quite a blogging hiatus, especially from Ten Things of Thankful. But after completing the A to Z 2014 Challenge, I figured there was no better time than the present to make my return to TToT. I was conflicted on how to keep track of my posts. Before my hiatus, I was keeping track of my own individual weeks (I startet TToT late so my week numbers were off from the blog hop) and now I have been on a hiatus, so I *think* I have decided to just drop the week listing all together.

I have many things to be thankful for, and maybe at some point I will do a catch up post, but for now, I will just reflect on most recent events.

  1. I woke up a very sweet surprise Thursday morning. We were planning a late night grocery run on Wednesday night but I fell asleep. Instead of waking me up, Jak went anyways to get a few items, including my work lunches. When I thanked him with a huge hug, he said he wanted to make sure I had a lunch for the day. Made my day!
  2. This past week we didn’t have Grandma Mondays because it was Grandma’s birthday and she was busy with Jak’s aunt that day. So we went on Thursday instead, which I personally loved because Grandma also watches Grey’s Anatomy, so at 8 p.m., Grandma and I settled in our spots to watch the show. It made me realize how much I love watching shows with those who equally enjoy it. Makes me want to ask Jak about going back this Thursday so I can watch the season finale of Grey’s with Grandma.
  3. This weekend we celebrated my eldest nephew’s birthday. Owen turned six this year (his official birthday is tomorrow), but Saturday was his party. He is getting so old, but I love he still lets us celebrate with him at his parties. (He isn’t old enough where family there is an embarrassment!)

    Owen turns 6 this week.

    Owen turns 6 this week.

  4. I am thankful that Jak has been attending every one of my munchkin’s birthday parties. There are four, one each month from March – June, and then Wyatt in November. He has been a trooper, being surrounded by a lot of family and kids lately.
  5. All of Jak’s help in picking out kids birthday presents. He helps me find the best gifts for the kids, and is even so generous in buying the kids his own gifts too. (And the gifts he gives have been the ones the kids get most excited about!) It means a lot to have him so involved in my life, especially when it comes to my munchkins.
  6. That we finally got some sunshine this weekend. The weather here has been pretty awful lately, raining 12 of the last 15 days. I don’t mind rain in the form of thunderstorms, but when it is drizzly rain with no breaks of sun, it makes for long days. But this weekend, the rain and gray skies broke, and we had some beautiful sun rays!
  7. Taking advantage of the nice weather, Jak and I went on a 3 mile walk around a local lake yesterday evening. It was a beautiful night and it was so good to get a long walk in.
  8. While on our walk, I was busy jabbering away like I do, when Jak stopped me and told me to be quiet. I thought at first I was just talking too loudly and it was making him nervous, but soon he grabbed my arm and pointed across the grass. There, right in front of us, were two deer. One looked a bit smaller than the other, while the bigger one seemed to me more aware of her surroundings, so I wonder if it was a mama deer and her fawn. The wind was going the opposite direction, so while the bigger one saw us, she couldn’t get our scent, so she didn’t startle off right away. Jak was able to get a few photos and we watched them for a minute or two. I love nature walks!
  9. Jak and I had a date night last night and finally got to go see another movie. Captain America: The Winter Soldier 3D was on the discount list for a perks program I am a part of, so we got to see the 3D version at a reduced rate. I have recently fallen in love with 3D movies all over again. We saw The Lego Movie in 3D a few months ago, and now Captain America. As Jak can attest, I get a little bit excited in the first few clips of each movie because 3D makes it feel like the movie is RIGHT there within grasp. THe 3D also probably helped keep me awake. We went to a 10:45 screening, and put me in a dark theatre with comfy seats at night, and we are bound to have a bit too much relaxation. When we see late screenings, Jak holds my hand to squeeze in case I start to get sleepy. The movie was really good and I highly recommend it. (I swear, I only drifted off a couple of times for short moments, and it wasn’t because of the movie! I was just so comfy…)
  10. That Jak has agreed to go with me to the Basilica Block Party concert in July to see Ingrid Michaelson! I have always wanted to see her in concert. Also the rest of the lineup that day looks pretty sweet too: Train, Caroline Smith, and Alpha Rev. I haven’t been to a concert in a really long time, and I wanted to go to this specific annual concert the past couple of years but friends have bailed on me. Jak reassured me that he will not bail on me and he sounded really excited to go too. I hope to buy tickets later this month!

How was your week? What are you thankful for?


Posted in Thankfulness
9 comments on “Ten Things of Thankful
  1. zoe says:

    Youre the lady friend of THE Jak!!!!! HOly COW!!! How did I not know that!? Like take us to a Target during vid chat Jak? Like you guys going through a drivethru Jak? I feel so dumb!!!! You saw deer on that walk and he rescues a balloon Jak? I am dumbfounded!!!

    • kborman says:

      Hahaha, don’t feel so dumbfounded! Jak likes to keep his Ladyfolk a mystery, heck Jak likes to keep JAK a mystery.

      But yes, here I am, a little bit less of a mystery to those who know me. A little bit more “wear your heart on your sleeve” and share it with the world Ladyfolk.

      But yes, I am the Ladyfolk accompanying Jak to Target and the drive thru, and while we saw deer on our walk, he rescued said balloon on another.

      Thanks for stopping by!

    • lrconsiderer says:

      Dude, no, this has been Knowledge for MONTHS!

  2. hey! welcome to the TToT! hats off to the completioning of the AwhoMe? zoe (up above here) and Lizzi and Dyanne and Jean all did the ‘my god who knew there were 345 days in May Challenge’
    sounds like you guys is doing alright (we last saw you in a McDonalds or a Barnes and Noble on a vidchat).

    • kborman says:

      Hey Clark! Yes it has been a while, and it might have been at Barnes & Noble last. Maybe I should hide my face simply for the shame of falling off the blogsphere so quickly.

      While we may have vanished, we are indeed still alive and doing well, and in fact still together. The holidays swooped in and then Winter here was a real drag. Spring always comes with changes in behavior, so figured we might we as well resurface again to our blog friends.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. lrconsiderer says:

    Ahhh I love how many of your Thankfuls are down to Jak. He’s such a stellar guy, and you’ve really landed yourself a Thoroughly Good Man. I’m happy for the both of you 😀

    Meantime, SIX! That’s such a sweet age. My Neff is six, and he’s adorable. I’m glad you’re getting every chance to enjoy your munchkins 🙂

    • kborman says:

      Haha, yes, I quickly realized just how many were directly related to Jak. He is a Thoroughly Good Man, perhaps his new nickname?

      Yes, 6! It’s fun to see how he changes as he enters school ages. He is really starting to blossom.

  4. It’s so beautiful that your son has gotten to see another year. Date nights are always great. I love them with my hubby as well. Welcome back!

    • kborman says:

      It is great that Owen is 6! A correction is though, that he is my nephew. Probably a good thing to clarify now and again, that my munchkins are my nieces and nephews. I am a very busy auntie, but none of my own (yet).

      Thanks for stopping by!

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