Life in transitions

Life is always changing – we grow up, we grow together, we grow apart. Just when you think life is taking you on the course you planned, circumstances change. Life happens.

To many I have fallen off the face of the earth for the past month, including to some family members. For others, they have seen me in my weakest moments and have pulled me through every day. Many have tried to be there and honestly I just haven’t been ready. I feel like life is moving 80 mph and unless you are in the car with me, we are not making any pit stops. Either you are with me and know every exhausting detail, or you are driving alongside and can put the pieces together, or you are on the side of the road as I pass by. Don’t take it personally. I am just as exhausted behind the wheel.

I don’t know where I stand on many things these days – all I know is I need to focus on the changes happening. I needed a new start, an open door, and many shed light to me. I opened to their light, took a step in that direction and haven’t turned back to even close the door.

I hope in the midst of many of these changes, I will rekindle parts of myself I have missed. I hope to read more, enrich my life with art, and take more “me” time. There may be an inclusion of behaviors that many have not seen from me in a while or I may appear different. I am still me, just a person in transition. So despite where you have been on the road, know it is not permanent. Eventually I will need to slow down.

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Posted in Learning, Life

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